Purchase & Deliver
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Seller/Servicer Guide
Final Delivery Instructions, Delivery Package TOCs, Document Transmittal Form, Bailee Acknowledgment
- .pdf Final Delivery Instructions and Final Delivery Package Table of Contents (for all Mortgages other than SBL and TEL) 07/30/2024
- .pdf Final Delivery Instructions and Final Delivery Package Table of Contents - TEL (Conversion) 03/26/2024
- .pdf Final Delivery Instructions and Final Delivery Package Table of Contents – TEL (Forward) 08/17/2023
- .pdf Final Delivery Instructions and Final Delivery Package Table of Contents – TEL (Immediate) 03/26/2024
- .pdf Final Delivery Instructions and Final Delivery Package Table of Contents – SBL 03/26/2024
- .doc Title Insurance Policy Amendment Certification 08/17/2023
- .doc Replacement Page Authorization - Non-Recorded Documents 04/15/2020
- .doc Bailee Acknowledgment Form for Optigo Lenders and Closing Counsel 04/08/2020
- .pdf MF Document Transmittal Form
- .doc Commitment / Seller Correction - SBL 03/03/2016
Numbered Guide Forms
Multifamily Annual Certification Report (Form 16M)
To access these forms, you will need a valid User ID and password for the Multifamily Eligibility System (MES). Contact your system administrator for access to the MES.
Multifamily Annual Certification Report - Structured Transaction & Tax-Exempt Bond Seller/Servicers (Form 17M)
To access these forms, you will need a valid User ID and password for the Multifamily Eligibility System (MES). Contact your system administrator for access to the MES.
- .pdf Loan and Real Estate Owned (REO) Expenses and Income (Form 104)
- .pdf Letter of Credit - SBL Certification (Form 921)
- .pdf Transfer of Servicing Agreement (Form 981M) 02/22/2024
- .pdf Wire Transfer Authorization - Cash Warehouse Delivery (Form 987M)
- .pdf Multifamily Certificate of Authorized Representative (Form 988M) 04/18/2024
- .pdf Multifamily Certificate of Corporate Secretary (Form 989M) 04/18/2024
- .pdf Certificate of Limited Liability Company Secretary/Authorized Representative (Form 990M) 04/18/2024
- .pdf Warehouse Lender Release of Security Interest (Form 996M)
- .zip Value-Add Monitoring (Form 1028)
- .xls Reserves Held in Custodial Accounts (Form 1056) 06/15/2023
- .pdf Letter Agreement for Securities Custodial Account for Tax-exempt Bond Transactions (Form 1057A) 10/20/2022
- .pdf Letter of Agreement for Servicer's Principal and Interest of P&I Disbursement Clearing Custodial Account (Form 1057) 06/15/2023
- .pdf Letter Agreement for Servicer's Reserve Custodial Account (Form 1058) 10/20/2022
- .pdf Letter of Agreement for Principal and Interest, or P&I Disbursement Clearing Custodial Account (Form 1059) 06/15/2023
- .pdf Letter Agreement for Reserve Custodial Account (Form 1060) 10/20/2022
- .pdf Certificate of Incumbency and Authority To Draft Against Custodial Accounts (Form 1061)
- .pdf Certificate of Incumbency and Authority To Draft Against Securities Custodial Accounts (Form 1061A)
- .pdf Sight Draft (Form 1062)
- .pdf Notice Letter - Alternative CE Bond Billing Procedure (Form 1063)
- .pdf Authorization for Automatic Transfer of Funds from a Principal and Interest Custodial Account Through the ACH (Form 1064) 06/15/2023
- .pdf Report of IRS Form 1099-A and 1099-C Filings (Form 1065M)
- .pdf Legal Referral Form (Form 1101)
- .zip Seismic Risk Assessment Summary (Form 1102)
- .zip Environmental Site Assessment (Form 1103) 09/14/2023
- .zip Green Report (Form 1106) 12/14/2023
Multifamily Seller/Servicer Change Notification (Form 1107M)
To view this form, download and open the form in Adobe Reader
Physical Risk Report (Form 1108)
Use this physical risk report for Conventional and Targeted Affordable Housing Loans
Multifamily Annual Certification Report - Servicer Only (Form 1110M)
To access these forms, you will need a valid User ID and password for the Multifamily Eligibility System (MES). Contact your system administrator for access to the MES.
- .pdf Certification - Organizational Chart (Form 1114) 06/13/2024
- .pdf Borrower and Key Borrower Principal Certificate (Form 1115) 06/13/2024
- .xls Real Estate Schedule (Form 1116) 02/27/2025
- .xls Student Housing Questionnaire (Form 1120)
- .pdf Borrower Application for Partial Release or Easement (Form 1125)
- .pdf Acknowledgement of Property Improvement Alterations (Form 1126)
Seller/Servicer Certification of Insurance Coverage (Form 1133)
To access this form you will need a valid User ID and password for the Insurance Compliance Tool (ICT). Contact your system administrator for access to the ICT.
- .pdf Hazard Loss Notification and Plan (Form 1140) 09/14/2023
- .pdf Hazard Loss Disbursement Request (Form 1140-DR) 09/14/2023
- .xls Multifamily Principal & Interest Custodial Account Reconciliation Worksheet (Form 1143)
- .pdf Verification of Collections (Form 1144)
System Administrator Add/Update/Remove Request (Form 1146)
To view this form, download and open the form in Adobe Reader
- .pdf System User Verification and Certification (Form 1148)
- .pdf System Administrator Verification and Certification (Form 1149)
- .pdf Wire Transfer Authorization - Non-Warehoused Mortgage (Form 1150)
- .zip Green Retrofits Certification (Form 1209)
- .xls Forward Commitment Monitoring Report (Form 5150)
- .pdf Waiver of 50-page Limit for SBL Appraisal (Form 6011)
- .zip Borrower and Key Borrower Principal Blanket Certification (Form 1112) 12/12/2024
- .pdf Employer Enabled Permanent Supportive Housing Borrower Certification (Form 1134) 08/15/2024
- .zip Potential Fraud Tip Reporting (Form 1129) 02/27/2025
- .xls Property Condition Assessment (Form 1105) 12/12/2024
- .xls SBL Physical Risk Report (Form 1104) 12/12/2024
- .pdf Transfer of Securitized Servicing Agreement (Form 983M) 08/15/2024
- .pdf Wire Transfer Authorization (Form 483M) 04/18/2024
Multifamily Annual Certification Report (Form 16M)