Duty to Serve
High Opportunity Spectrum
In this report, we explore alternate methods of identifying areas that could provide economic opportunity to renters, recommending that opportunity be viewed as a spectrum rather than a binary choice.
Insight | July 11, 2022
LIHTC at Risk
In this report, we examine what happens to units once they leave the LIHTC program and are no longer subject to LIHTC affordability restrictions. More
Insight | January 4, 2022
Shining a Spotlight on Underserved Markets in 2021
Our Duty to Serve initiatives help to increase rental and homeownership opportunities in historically underserved markets. More
Insight | December 27, 2021
Affordable Housing and Natural Disasters: Why Property Resiliency Matters
Learn about current public and private efforts, as well as what could be improved. More
Insight | December 23, 2020
2020 Analysis of Green Improvements in Workforce Housing
In this report, we seek to better understand the results of the savings analysis and the impacts of the green improvements made through the Green Advantage program. More
Insight | December 18, 2020
A Study of Mixed-Income Housing in Areas of Concentrated Poverty
Deliberate efforts to construct mixed-income properties for the purpose of deconcentrating poverty is still a relatively new concept. More
Insight | December 10, 2020
LIHTC in Rural Persistent Poverty Counties
Rural areas of our nation's Persistent Poverty Counties are home to 7.9 million people. Developing unsubsidized rental housing in these areas is especially challenging. More
Insight | December 20, 2019
Furthering Opportunity in Areas of Concentrated Poverty
Many of our nation's ACPs are in the midst of economic revitalization, which can benefit the community as long as affordable housing is not lost in the process. More
Insight | December 12, 2019
Affordable Housing in High Opportunity Areas Defined in State LIHTC QAPs
How do high opportunity areas correlate to access to education, jobs, healthcare and transportation? More
Insight | December 11, 2019
2019 Analysis of Green Improvements in Workforce Housing
What do green property improvements have to do with preserving the affordability of workforce rental housing? Plenty! More
Insight | December 5, 2019
Shining a Spotlight on Underserved Markets in 2019
The challenges of providing affordable housing are far-reaching and persistent. Freddie Mac's three-year Duty to Serve plan describes how we will help increase rental and homeownership opportunities... More
Insight | December 3, 2019
Affordable Housing in High Opportunity Areas
High opportunity areas are found all over the country and are home to roughly 18% of the population. In this Duty to Serve report, we look at three properties to better understand local efforts and successes in developing affordable housing in high opportunity areas. More
Insight | November 18, 2019
Manufactured Housing Resident-Owned Communities
Although the MHROC market is quite small, it plays an important role for residents in these areas. More