Green Advantage® Benchmarking

Benchmarking Metrics are generated in ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®(Portfolio Manager) after 12 consecutive months of utility consumption data are entered for the property. Borrowers must retain a qualified third-party consultant (Benchmarking Data Consultant) to collect, input and monitor actual energy and water usage at multifamily properties prior to loan origination. Data collection is required for the life of the loan. View the consultant qualifications pdf.

We’ve created resources to help with benchmarking and reporting:

Benchmarking Metrics must be submitted through this Portfolio Manager link(Opens a new window).

Utility Information

Your borrowers may want to know how they can get the utility data needed for a Green Assessment® and for benchmarking.

Visit the EPA Energy Star® site to use the tool below that lets you search by zip code to see whether or not the area utility company shares aggregate data. This will help owners get the tenant data they must provide for the assessment or for benchmarking.