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Production & Underwriting Directory

Region :  All Business Lines:  All

Headshot of John Stepien

John Stepien

Senior Production Director
New York, NY

Headshot of William Stevens

Preston Stevens

Underwriting Manager
McLean, VA
Structured Transactions

Headshot of Calvin Sturgeon III

Calvin Sturgeon III

Senior Underwriting Analyst
Arlington, VA

Headshot of Colleen Tana

Colleen Tana

Senior Underwriting Director
Arlington, VA

Headshot of Ian Thompson

Ian Thompson

Senior Production Analyst
New York, NY

Headshot of Catherine Tobiasen

Catherine Tobiasen

Underwriting Senior Associate
Arlington, VA

Headshot of Deryck Toney

Deryck Toney

Underwriting Manager
McLean, VA
Innovation & Underwriting

Headshot of Jackie Trojanowsky

Jackie Trojanowsky

Senior Underwriting Associate
Dallas, TX

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