Corey Aber and Sara Hoffmann
Resident-owned communities (ROCs) are a unique option in the affordable housing market for underserved populations, particularly in rural and non-metro areas. On this episode, Corey Aber and Sara Hoffmann are joined by Paul Bradley, founder of ROC USA, and Deborah Winiewicz, community leader at Halifax Mobile Home Estates Association, a ROC in south Boston. Together, they discuss the history of manufactured housing communities (MHCs), how MHCs and ROCs operate, and the federal or state legislation that facilitates the existence of these communities.
Chapter 1: 00:00 – The origin story of MHCs and ROCs
Chapter 2: 09:39 – The formation of Halifax Mobile Home Estates
Chapter 3: 14:08 – Services provided by ROC USA
Chapter 4: 16:25 – Benefits of ROCs
Chapter 5: 20:55 – Variability in landscape
Chapter 6: 27:42 – Shared equity vs. limited equity
Chapter 7: 34:42 – Challenges and wins from a community member
Listen to other episodes in the series.
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