Multifamily Podcast

Housing Recovery with Emily Hamilton

Steve Guggenmos and Corey Aber

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Recent zoning changes in Minneapolis and Oregon highlight the importance of land-use regulations and their effect on housing affordability. In this episode, Steve and Corey are joined by Emily Hamilton, research fellow and director of the Urbanity Project at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Emily’s work focuses on affordability challenges stemming from zoning and the development process, leading to a mismatch of housing stock to housing need. Together, they discuss the history of local-level land use regulation and current changes occurring throughout the country.

  • Chapter 1: 0:00 - 11:00 – Zoning history and examples
  • Chapter 2: 11:00 - 22:00 – Local-level changes: Minneapolis, Oregon, Raleigh and more
  • Chapter 3: 22:00 - 30:45 – Creating housing for the missing middle
  • Chapter 4: 30:45 - end – Inclusionary zoning

Listen to other episodes in the series.

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