California Community Development with Mary Kaiser

Vice President, Research & Modeling*

California Community Development with Mary Kaiser
Steve Guggenmos and Corey Aber
Over 40 million people live in California – 10 million in Los Angeles county alone. The state also has many rural areas with their own housing challenges and lack of infrastructure. This mix of urban and rural, as well as the sheer size of the state, requires unique innovations to address its affordability crisis. In this podcast, Steve and Corey talk with Mary Kaiser, the President of California Community Reinvestment Corporation, about community development and lending in the state of California.
- Chapter 1: 0:00 - 4:43 – Background and CCRC’s activities
- Chapter 2: 4:43 - 16:46 – The California market
- Chapter 3: 16:46 - 23:22 – Cost to build, homelessness and other challenges
- Chapter 4: 23:22 - 30:50 – Recycling of capital and loans
- Chapter 5: 30:50 - 40:30 – Unique aspects of California
- Chapter 6: 40:30 - 44:45 – Looking ahead
Listen to other episodes in the series.
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