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Our Philosophy

We review appraisals to determine whether the reports meet our requirements and that the opinion of market value is adequately supported. The Freddie Mac Multifamily Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) is an excellent resource for Optigo® lenders and appraisers alike — become familiar with the requirements set forth in Chapter 60.

Underwriting Appraisal Checklist

Freddie Mac underwriters complete a compliance checklist for the initial appraisals submitted to Freddie Mac for each loan/property. Optigo® lenders and appraisers are advised to review the checklist items and Chapter 60 of the Guide to ensure submitted appraisal reports meet all Freddie Mac requirements.

Fair Lending

Per Guide Chapter 60.8: “The appraiser must describe the Property and the neighborhood in factual, unbiased and specific terms. The appraiser may not consider any information about the geographic area, neighborhood, occupants, owners or prospective owners of the Property that involves the following prohibited factors: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, receipt of income of tenants derived from any public assistance program, the retaliation for exercise of any federally protected civil right, familial status, and disability.”

Learning Tools

Additional Resources

If you have any questions for the Multifamily Appraisal team, contact us directly.
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