Building on 2014’s momentum, 2015 is expected to be another strong year, although slightly slower paced and with more dispersion across geographic markets.

Here are the key takeaways from the 2015 Multifamily Outlook:

  • Multifamily rental housing fundamentals outperformed many market forecasts in 2014; strong demand absorbed the increased supply of new units introduced to the market. 
  • The amount of multifamily supply that will be delivered in 2015 will surpass pre-recession averages, but favorable demographics and a sturdier economy will produce another strong year for multifamily. 
  • Market dispersion will become more pronounced. A look at some of the hardest hit markets during the Great Recession highlights the difference in how those markets are recovering and their expected performance. 
  • Manufactured housing is expected to be a vehicle to help bridge the housing affordability gap. Conditions in the manufactured housing market segment are trending up, after a tumultuous decade in the 2000s.

Read the report.